Starting from Baudelaire,
his approaching to ordinary is an interesting one. He launches the idea that
heroism can exist in life's ordinary (
That doesn't mean ordinary is heroic, but delving into ordinary we can find
heroism and become heroes ourselves. Such is the system and the mission of the
Dandy, as defined by Baudelaire. That is a very interesting idea and we can see
it at the precedent of figures like rock'n'roll stars or the likes. Ordinary
is, for Baudelaire, ordinary in its more literal significance but, at the same
time, a source for fantasy and adventures, a labyrinth where anyone can become
a hero with only his/her will and meet other heroes or heroines to live the
more extravagant adventures. That is a lively contemporary conception. Ordinary
life is codified and we have the opportunity to be decoders, the poet is a
decipherer as explained by Kenneth Rexroth in his comments to the poems by
Baudelaire. So: poet is a decoder, an adventurer and a hero in ordinary world
(no need of exotic ambiances nor truculent histories of love and vengeance). We
have the potential to be poets and heroes in ordinary world.
But we shouldn't
erroneously conclude that Baudelaire celebrates ordinary life (actually he even
despises it); that he celebrates is its hidden possibilities.
For the case of Virginia
Woolf, we can say ordinary is a very important category in her works, not only
novels but essays/ articles/ opinions too; and in this case we have to take
into consideration the fact that Virginia Woolf was an well-informed activist
(against Baudelaire, whose political points of view were more passionate and
vague than fruit of reflection, that would be more the case
of Virginia Woolf). We have to take into account that the ideas of Marx,
Freud or Darwin were more assimilated for the Society in which Woolf lived.
The work by Woolf Modern
Fiction (1925) invites the reader to examine "an ordinary mind in an
ordinary day", moving towards criticism against previous writers who
focused on unimportant things that actually does not compose a character and,
finally, a life, the life. Ordinary is to Virginia Woolf the category of the
repeated, the regular, the expected, but also the transitorial. Ordinary is
superficial when saw as routine. What Woolf proposes is looking into "the
polydimesional nature of ordinary experience" (,
taking it into impressions and experiences. Woolf proposes a new way for
delving into ordinary life, opposing the ordinary in everyday life to a
dimension that coexists with ordinary, the ecstasy and novelty in everyday life
experience. Two so different experiences coexisting in the same
dimension and whose dialectics and confrontation Woolf explores and portrays.
We can see, actually, how close are the
view on ordinary of both authors Baudelaire and Virginia Woolf. They conceive
ordinary as a social category similar to routine, frozen life, repetition,
alienation; but none of them try to escape out from reality to avoid the
ordinary in everyday life, but explore it searching for authenticity or
dignity, actual reality in life. We can find subtle differences too. For
Baudelaire, delving into ordinary we can become heroes ourselves. For Woolf,
hidden ecstasy in everyday life is not in the core of or behind ordinary,
but getting along with it, maintaining a dialectic relationship that is
actually an important line of her novels.
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